Gary Derbyshire is the Senior Pastor of Apollo Baptist Church in Glendale, Arizona. Prior to his calling at Apollo, he spent ten years as a youth pastor. His vision for ABC is to create a culture of discipleship that leads to worship and compels us to be on mission. He currently holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Nonprofit Leadership and Management and is currently working towards his Masters of Divinity at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
He grew up in Southeast Asia as the oldest son of four children to missionary parents. His parents were commissioned by North Phoenix Baptist Church and the International Mission Board in 1992 to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to an unreached people group. His father is a doctor and his mother a business entrepreneur, both working to make disciples and plant churches among people groups who have never heard the name 'God' in their own language. His wife grew up a Bangladeshi Muslim and gave her life to Christ as a high school student at an international school, where she met Gary. They now have three children together and work tirelessly to mobilize the church to send people to the darkest corners of the world, where the Gospel is still unknown.
Gary's biggest life influence is his loving parents, who originally taught him the Gospel and biblical exposition, and still live as missionaries in Asia. The next biggest influence is his loving wife, a gifted worship leader and evangelist to their children. Finally, being a student at Southeastern (the greatest seminary in the world in Gary's biased opinion) has profoundly shaped his understanding of hermeneutics, expository preaching, and church revitalization. His favorite preachers are David Platt, John Piper, Mark Dever, and Thabiti Anyabwile. His greatest passion is to reach all nations and people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.